Research Opportunities

Saint Jerome in His Study, Jan Van Eyck, 1440

A number of research opportunities are available to Global Medieval Studies majors and minors, as well as to other students who are considering a Global Medieval Studies degree (including first-year students).  

All majors take a two-semester Advanced Research Seminar (MVST 348 and 349) during their senior year; this work culminates in a senior thesis (see “Major and Minor“).  Global Medieval Studies minors may also be admitted to the fall seminar. Minors or prospective minors are invited to contact the Director of Global Medieval Studies, Prof. Sarah McNamer ( to discuss this option. 

Global Medieval Studies students have excellent prospects for admission to the university’s GUROP program, for either the semester program or the more competitive GUROP and Kalorama Summer Fellowships. Please contact the Director for further information and for assistance with applications. A number of Global Medieval Studies faculty are available for consultations regarding GUROP proposals.  

In recent years our Georgetown neighbor, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Museum, has hosted a study day each spring to undergraduates from area universities. The curator of the Byzantine collection introduces students to the collection; participants are allowed to handle rare objects and examine them with expert supervision. Students interested in this hands-on form of research should contact the Director.

(Image: Saint Jerome in His Study, Jan Van Eyck, 1440)