Point of Contact
Professor Sarah McNamer, Interim Program Director (fall), mcnamer@georgetown.edu; Professor Francisco Ciabattoni (fc237@georgetown.edu) (spring)
Philosophy of research
Scholarly approach to arts, culture, literature, languages, and history.
How to get started
Students can consult the department website on undergraduate research opportunities, which goes over courses and opportunities.
How to get connected with a faculty mentor
By contacting the Program Director, Prof. McNamer (fall) or Prof. Ciabattoni (spring).
Earning credit for undergraduate research
Students can earn credit from courses in the department involving research (e.g GMST 349).
Getting paid for research
Through faculty research funds.
Thesis or capstone research
All majors take a two-semester Advanced Research Seminar (MVST 348 and 349) during their senior year; this work culminates in a senior thesis.